Check out EO Detroit’s events. To register for each, login to the EO Network site. Click each to view more information.
In the Board Room With John Anderson
January 23 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm EST
We’re excited to welcome an EO Detroit legend to speak to our members during this intimate event! The Founder of our Chapter, First EO Detroit President and inaugural inductee of our EO Detroit Entrepreneur Hall of Fame will share his extraordinary journey with us.
For two decades, John has inspired and challenged leaders to achieve their greatest personal potential by helping CEOs and executive teams develop clear, measurable, and defined goals. John was the first coach to work with Verne Harnish in what is now the industry leading ScalingUp® organization. He started his career at IBM before building and selling a MI based office furniture dealership. Today he holds equity in multiple entrepreneurial ventures. John’s book, Replace Retirement: Living Your Legacy in the Exponential Age, published in 2019.
Lunch will be served.
Exclusively for EO Detroit Members and Strategic Alliance Partners